Doctors services and prices

In PerusTerveys, you will receive the doctor’s and lab’s services inexpensively and without queues. We have different kind of doctor appointments which are introduced below

PerusKäynti (Basic visit, 20min nurse+doctor)

Cost on weekdays: 84€, saturday 94€ + office fee 25 €, possible point-of-care testing, prescriptions and certificates are charged separately.

A basic visit is the most inexpensive appointment visit, and it’s good for singular, acute and short-term inconveniences. With unclear, long-term symptoms we can start the examining on a Basic visit, but for these cases we will recommend a longer appointment. At the beginning of a Basic visit, you will be interviewed and examined by an experienced nurse, and after that, the appointment will continue on in co-operation with an experienced general practitioner. After supplementary questions and exams, a nursing care plan will be made about the things to do next in co-operation with the patient.

Book  PerusKäynti (a Basic visit) to our office in Ideapark from our web site, or call our appointment reservation number 020 7340 720.

NB! If you have any infection symptoms, then book PerusInfektio (a Basic infection visit), or be in touch with us by phone 020 7340 720.

*) Prices doesn’t include KELA compensation, which is only for Finnish citiziens. 1.1.2024 Kela compensation is 30€ per doctor visit, 8€ per doctors phonecall and 25€ from remote-appointment through video 

When to book PerusKäynti (a Basic visit)?

  • Abrupt eye symptoms
  • Ear pains (Not leading up to the flu or suspicion of otitis)
  • Rash, acne
  • Abrupt back pain symptoms
  • Urine symptoms
  • Treatment to small wounds
  • Estimating moles and changes in skin
  • Acute life crisis, beginning the treatment 


PerusInfektio (a Basic infection visit, 20min doctor )

Cost on weekdays 84€*, saturday 94€*  + office fee 25€, possible point-of-care testing, prescriptions and certificates are charged seperately.

Book  PerusInfektio (a Basic Infection visit) if you suffer from infection symptoms, even if you have been to a Covid test. We do not have the possibility of COVID19-testing right now.

*)Prices doesn’t include KELA compensation , which is only for Finnish citiziens.1.1.2024 Kela compensation is 30€ per doctor visit, 8€ per doctors phonecall and 25€ from remote-appointment through video 

When to book PerusInfektio (a Basic infection visit) ?

  • Throat soreness
  • Ear pains
  • A cold, sneezing, congestion
  • Coughing, mucous
  • Wheezing of breath
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea or vomiting

Our experienced nurse will call the patient that booked the Basic infection visit beforehand, and map out and write down the patient’s anamnesis for the doctor’s estimation. The doctor’s estimation is made physically at our office in Ideapark. If needed the nurse can change the visit to an online appointment, when the patient so wishes and the patient’s physical state allows so.

Book  PerusInfektio (a Basic infection visit) to our office in Ideapark from our web site, or call our appointment reservation number 020 7340 720.


Perusteellinen käynti (a Thorough visit 30min/40min Doctor)

30min Visit Cost 125€* + office fee 25 €

40min Visit Cost 149€+ office fee 25€

If your long-term inconveniences have been examined before or it has already continued for a while with varying symptoms, we recommend to book a Thorough visit right away. At this appointment, you will be listened to and examined by a general practitioner or a general medicine’s specialist. Also basic illness’s yearly controls and nursing care plan services get done fluently.

*)Prices doesn’t include KELA compensation, which is only for Finnish citiziens.1.1.2024 Kela compensation is 30€ per doctor visit, 8€ per doctor’s phonecall and 25€ from remote-appointment through video 

When to book a 30 minute Perusteellinen käynti (a Thorough visit 30min Doctor)?

  • Balance and exercise body part inconveniences. For example back pain, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pains
  • Prolonged stomach and gut inconvenience.
  • Medication and long-term illness control and matters regarding treatment.
  • Erection matters
  • Urinating troubles
  • Dizzyness, headache
  • Operations
  • Gynecologic inconveniences (Book the appointment by phone)
  • Contraception matters, inserting and removing an IUD(Book the appointment by phone)

NB! PerusTerveys’s reception does not have Ultrasounddevices.

When to book a 40 minute Perusteelinen käynti (a Thorough visit 40min Doctor)?

Book the appointment by phone.

On this appointment you and the general practitioner will be booked more time than other appointment types for a comprehensive situation map out and examination. This appointment gives a good foundation to the forming of a patient-doctor relation and the treatments continuation. Sometimes it is justifiable to book this appointment if there are multiple causes for concern.

  • Difficulty in sleeping and falling asleep
  • Mood matters
  • Memory problems, exhaustion, dizzyness
  • Working ability troubles
  • Statements (Among other things B-statement, C-statement, promotion-of-interest statement)
  • Pain problems

If choosing the correct doctor’s appointment is troubling, call us and we will solve the issue together.

In our offices you can pay ONLY with a bank card and a bill. A bill is possible when credit reports are OK. We will check the credit reports. We don’t accept cash for payment.